Competitivity Clusters
In France, a competitivity cluster regroup companies of various sizes and scientific, educational, and economical partners in a defined geographical. The role of such a structure is to enhance synergies around a specific sector of activity. The focus could be on emerging technological domains (nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, ecotechnologies,) or on much mature sectors (car manufacturing, aeronautic industry,)
A Cluster consists of 200 members in average with wide disparity between clusters, from 100 to 1000 company members belonging from start-ups, individual firms, medium and large size groups including multinational companies but also Research institutes, training, and educational organisms.
There are 60 Competitivity clusters in France. They favor all energies merging to develop partnership projects in Research and Development (R&D), particularly for innovation. They also offer support to companies in their partnership from product conception to commercial phase. This is provided through experts advices and access to various competencies a each stage of their development: Funding, international growth and other activity (more information on French Government website “”)
Science 2 Food is today member of 2 Competitivity clusters very engaged in food and cosmetic sectors. First, Vitagora, the Competitivity cluster of Burgundy/Alps/East (Bourgogne Franche-Comté) and then, Innov’alliance the Competitivity cluster for “Big South” consisting of Auvergne Rhône-Alpes, Languedoc-Roussillon, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. In parallel, Science 2 Food is closely following and receiving Newsletter of the cluster Aquimer, a competitive cluster dedicated to aquatic products valorization and based in the northwest of France in Boulogne sur Mer.