Knowledge and expertise sharing

Students coaching and
It appears that despite spending time in companies during internships, Food engineering student and Food Science PhD are not always clear about who does what in a food company.
It is true in the technical domain (R&D, Quality, Industrial, Engineering) but also in other functions like Marketing, Sales, Purchasing, Logistic, Regulatory, external communication.
Therefore, Michel Infantes, founder of Science 2 Food, propose to make presentation courses during school modules to explain clearly who does what and show how the various functions work in synergy in all company projects.
This is how, Michel Infantes, has made presentation on “the role of the young doctor in a food company”, “The various types of R&D projects”, “The project management methodology” in special events or in food engineer schools.
Other topics, like Nutrition, Food regulatory environment, or recipe formulations issues and technical process issues can be in the scope.
Likewise, Food engineering student having to run small projects for requesting companies, a support as external advisor can be provided by Michel Infantes.
Training and lecture
Some issues are mainstream in the food industry and even if companies are competitors they face the same basic issues regarding raw material choice, renovation, shelf-life, processing and regulatory. That Is why Science 2 Food offer to organize one shot presentations or training modules on these common topics to summarize the state of the art on an applied way for food companies (Multinationals, Groups, small companies, start-ups).
This is how, Michel Infantes has provided a presentation in 2021 on “solution to reduce fat in recipes”. Other presentations like sugar replacement, proteins or fibers enrichment can be proposed.
Training modules about “Regulatory aspects along product development and launch” are also available.
Other aspect like the beneficial effect of plants, their use, their medicinal effect, and the associated claims can be set-up for presentation.
Start-ups coaching
Michel Infantes is member of the start-up’s incubators expert committee such as “Toaster labs” from Vitagora. In this role, he provides support to a group of start-ups selected each year together with other experts (finance, packaging, marketing, industrial,). A range of sessions were run in 2020 and 2021 with start-ups working on meat product substitutes, plant beverages, spices, ice-cream, glass or plastic bottle recycling, Fermented beverages, natural candies, and digital outlets for the kitchen.
In the same way, a consulting is provided to member companies of Vitagora Pole based on questions and answer process.
For another start-up incubator, Food’Inn Lab from Agroparitech, Michel Infantes provide support particularly though a presentation around food regulatory
For another start-up incubator, Food’Inn Lab from Agroparitech, Michel Infantes provide support particularly though a presentation around food regulatory

I can also help you with

Health and Nutrition product innovation
For most of his career, Michel Infantes, founder of Science 2 Food, has been managing scientific and technical teams. These teams were specialized in Research, Development, Nutrition, Knowledge management, Intellectual property, Scientific and Regulatory affairs. Michel Infantes has always been working in interaction with Marketing, Innovation teams, Consumer intelligence and Consumer sciences departments. Health and Nutrition aspects have been on everyday tasks managed by Michel Infantes. That’s why, at the beginning of a project, Science 2 Food elaborates a quick action plan to help its partners to move ahead in the best way for their innovation projects.

Ingredient functionality knowledge
This applies to product renovation, new product development as well as quality and food safety issues. In the same way, Science 2 Food provide support for food supplements design and launch for ingredients choices, level of incorporation, claims and market registration processes. Finally, for Cosmetics design and launch, biochemistry knowledge of Science 2 Food is a key advantage for recipes set-up and product launches.

Road to market strategy for ingredient and products
According to each context and market for ingredients and products, Science 2 Food build a plan from ingredient sourcing (origin, synthesis, extraction) to the delivery on the market. This refer both to single ingredient sold on the market and to ingredients contained in a final product. Along the process, Science 2 Food, make sure all parameters are safe to secure ingredients use in products and related claims.