D.P.O origin label for Foods
Let’s talk a little bit about the controlled and protected designations of origin that concern French and European food products. There are many acronyms on the packaging and advertisements of traditional food products. P.D.O, in Europe. Many others designation bring some confusion to the landscape (Made in France, Traditional Specialty Guaranteed, Product in Brittany (for example), Certificate of Conformity, Organic Farming, etc.).
The Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O.) designates a product in which all stages of production are carried out according to know-how recognized in the same geographical area, which gives the product its characteristics.
It is a European sign that protects the name of the product throughout the European Union. In France, nearly 500 products are referenced as P.D.O. These include walnuts, green lentils from Le Puy, olives from Nîmes, etc.
France, in 2019, had more than 100 agri-food AOPs, including nearly 50 cheeses (between the 1200 varieties of French cheeses).
- Normandy Camembert
- Roquefort cheese
- Reblochon
- Fourme d’Ambert
- Fourme de Montbrison
- Valencay
If you are not familiar with the products of France, there are many other well-known food products in European countries, especially for cheeses:
- In Spain: Manchego cheese
- In Germany: Bavarian blue,
- In Italy: Parmigiano Reggiano
- In Portugal: Rabaçal
- In Netherlands Noord-Holandse Gouda
- In Denmark: Danablu
- In Greece: Feta.