Plant protein market

Plant protein market

Plant protein market Plant proteins     Today, for many reasons, food products contain more and more vegetable proteins. This can be to improve the nutritional composition, to make products without animal ingredients, or to provide functionalities in...
Novel Foods

Novel Foods

Novel Foods Novel Foods   For nearly 20 years, Europe has been integrating the notion of Novel Foods, more commonly known as “Novel Foods”. Under EU regulations, any food that has not been significantly consumed in Europe before May 1997 is considered...
Cultivated meat

Cultivated meat

Cultivated meat Cultivated meat   For several years, researchers have been exploring the possibility of doing without meat, dairy products or eggs from the breeding or even slaughter of animals. The most exploited solution today is the replacement by plant-based...


AGAVE Agave Syrup     For more than 10 years, Agave Syrup has been “in fashion”, it has arrived as a miracle solution for some and is often presented as a “good sugar”. It is believed to have a higher sweetening power than white sugar...
Intense sweeteners

Intense sweeteners

Intense sweeteners Intense sweeteners A sweetener is a product or substance that tastes sweet. Sugars are, of course, sweeteners, but the molecules used to replace them are also sweeteners. This is the case for bulking sweeteners (Polyols) described in a previous...
Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread

Sourdough Bread Sourdough     Sourdough bread is the oldest method of making bread used in bakery. Although, since the industrial production of baker’s yeast at the end of the 19th century, the “baguette” and white bread have become essential,...


Polyols Polyols Food manufacturers have been trying to reduce sugars for decades, under the injunctions of health authorities, political and regulatory constraints and consumer demand. A family of additives are widely used, particularly in confectionery, low-fat cocoa...
Sugar in food

Sugar in food

Sugar in food Sugar Sugars have become a health problem, not by their nature, because we need them, but by their overconsumption, especially by children. According to the French Society of Nutrition, already in 2017, 83% of children consumed more sugar than the World...
Legumes (pulses)

Legumes (pulses)

Legumes (pulses) Pulses Legumes (pulses) are very important plants for agriculture and for animal and human nutrition. In botany, it is the Fabaceae family (Faba = Bean in Latin) which is one of the largest families of flowering plants. They are also called...
Protected origin for foods

Protected origin for foods

Protected origin for foods D.P.O origin label for Foods Let’s talk a little bit about the controlled and protected designations of origin that concern French and European food products. There are many acronyms on the packaging and advertisements of traditional...