By-Products upcycling

By-Products upcycling

By-Products upcycling By-products valorization The valorization of by-products is at the origin of a major movement underway in agriculture and agri-food. Indeed, many solutions are being put in place, especially by startups, to recycle elements that are usually left...
Plant based egg substitutes

Plant based egg substitutes

Plant based egg substitutes Replacing eggs with plants Egg substitutes made with plant-based ingredients are becoming increasingly popular these days, whether for health, food allergy, ethical, or ecological reasons. They offer a convenient and versatile alternative...
Evening herbal tea

Evening herbal tea

Evening herbal tea Herbal tea Plants have always been a source of preventive remedies and treatments. The evening is one of the best times to consume herbal teas. Herbalism offers infusions of many plants. In the evening, there are two main types of benefits sought:...
Packaging and Naturalness

Packaging and Naturalness

Packaging and Naturalness The role of packaging in product naturalness On June 14th, Michel Infantes, head of Science 2 Food, has made a presentation to Vitagora company members. The topic was  Packaging role in product naturalness. Following items were shared : Pack...


Tea The various types of Tea Tea is a very old beverage supposed to be born in China, 5000 years ago. Tea is produced from tea bush, Camelia sinensis, belonging to theaceae botanical family. Endemic in far east regions, it’s a species close to camellia found in our...